Euro-mediterranean dialogue of beekeepers

Bee-Week 2017
Euro-mediterranean dialogue of beekeepers

Bee-Week 2017

Euro-mediterranean dialogue of beekeepers
27th of June 2017, 11.00-13.00
European Parliament (EP)





27th June 2017


Opening session


Mariya Gabriel

Member of the European Parliament
  Martino Miraglia

Consultant for Global Policy and Programme Support

Stefano Dotto

Head of sector Environment and Agriculture Regional Projects, DG NEAR

11:15 Presentation of the project «Mediterranean CooBEEration : a network for beekeeping, biodiversity and food security»  
Lucia Maddoli FELCOS Umbria, International Coordinator of the project
11:25 Euro-mediterranean Dialogue  
Presentation of the Mediterranean beekeeping and the Mediterranean Beekeepers Federation (APIMED)  
Vincenzo Panettieri President of the Mediterranean Beekeepers Federation (APIMED)
  Presentation of the European beekeeping and the Honey Working Group  
  Etienne Bruneau President of the Honey WG of Copa Cogeca
Shared priorities for common challenges


11:40 Presence and competitiveness of the Mediterranean honeys on the national and EU markets


  Mohammed Hamzaoui

National Association of Professional Beekeepers of Algeria (ANAP)

11:50 Diego Pagani President of the National Consortium of Beekeepers (CONAPI)
The importance of the ecosystem service of honeybees for biodiversity  

Claudio Porrini

Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Bologna

Pesticides: a universal problem


Mohammed Alrababah

Jordanian Beekeepers Association
12:20 Noa Delso Simon BeeLife
12:30 13:00 Discussion  
  Vincenzo Panettieri President of the Mediterranean Beekeepers Federation (APIMED)
  Mariya Gabriel Member of the European Parliament


Euro-mediterranean dialogue of beekeepers

Session 1

  • Presentation of the project «Mediterranean CooBEEration : a network for beekeeping, biodiversity and food security»

    Lucia Maddoli, FELCOS Umbria, International Coordinator of the project Go to Dossier

Session 2

  • Euro-mediterranean Dialogue

  • Presentation of the Mediterranean beekeeping and the Mediterranean Beekeepers Federation (APIMED)

    Vincenzo Panettieri, President of the Mediterranean Beekeepers Federation (APIMED) Go to Dossier

  • Presentation of the European beekeeping and the Honey Working Group

    Etienne Bruneau, President of the Honey WG of Copa Cogeca Go to Dossier

Session 3

Shared priorities for common challenges

  • Presence and competitiveness of the Mediterranean honeys on the national and EU markets

    Mohammed Hamzaoui, National Association of Professional Beekeepers of Algeria (ANAP)) Go to Dossier

    Diego Pagani, President of the National Consortium of Beekeepers (CONAPI)  Vai al Dossier

    • L'importanza del servizio ecosistemico delle api mellifere per la biodiversità

      Claudio Porrini, Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Bologna Vai al Dossier

    • Pesticides: a universal problem

      Mohammed Alrababah, Jordanian Beekeepers Association Go to Dossier

      Noa Delso Simon, BeeLife Go to Dossier